Fyn 2014

Fyn 2014

I can be short about the annual spring Denmark trip, beautifull as ever but tough going.
Fish where far and between but still showed themselves at times thus motivation was high.
I had to deal with some equipment failure in the wading department so it was not that comfy
in the spring Baltic waters but I managed.

Fishing took place during four days where two days where more or less half days as it
where travel days – our location the island of Fyn is approximately 6 hours driving time.
We did best in the fjords where the water temperature was a degree or two higher than on
the open coast (7 degrees C).
We did not spot any marine worms or shrimp, well I spotted one big shrimp on the open coast :-).

Weatherwise April threw everything at us from clear skies and sunshine to rain and a lot of wind.
The end results for this trip where that my friend caught 6 fish, one fine 54 cm specimen – the rest
smaller fish in the 40cm range.
I caught a skinny 58cm fish and one of those 40 cm range fish.

Even though results where less than last years trip it was fun and we left with plenty of thoughts
about the fishing, equipment, fly patterns used and  locations we fished.

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